
Portable Chest X – Ray in COVID -19 Positive Cases in a Tertiary Care Centre in Central India. (A Retrospective Analysis of 739 Cases)

Asian journal of medical radiological research(2020)

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–PCR. Portable chest radiography is the first imaging modality that can be used to detect lung abnormalities and get follow up when required. Radiological findings observed in various CXR are ground-glass opacity/haziness, Consolidations, Peripheral air space opacities, diffuse air space involvement, and uncommon findings – pleural effusion, cavitation, pneumothorax, subcutaneous emphysema and pneumomediastinum. Use of Portable CXR is helpful to avoid transport of patients to CT room and subsequently avoid frequent decontamination of the CT room. Portable CXR is of much value where CT facility is not available and its use reduces radiation dose to patients and radiation staff. The objective is to analyze chest X-ray findings in proven cases of COVID -19 as per classification of British Society of Thoracic Imaging (BSTI) in the form of various radiological patterns and severity assessment. Subjects and Methods: This is a retrospective study of chest x-ray of COVID-19 positive patients, confirmed by RT-PCR and was admitted to designate COVID center: LNMC and JK Hospital, Bhopal in the duration of 31 July 2020 to 31 Aug 2020. Chest X-ray of 739 patients was studied and the mean age group was calculated. Lung involvement and pattern of distribution of disease were analyzed and classified according to BSTI classification and documented in frequencies and percentages. Results: In our retrospective analysis of a total of 739 CXR of which the number of males was 457 (61.84% ) and the number of females was 282 (38.16%). The average age group was ranging from 0 (1month) year age to 90 years age with the mean age group of 41 to 50 (20.2%). The mean age of the patients was 40.5 years. 393 (53.1%) patients have normal chest radiographs. Conclusion:The radiological findings in patients with COVID-19 infection varies with the severity of the disease. In the early phase of the disease, CXR was normal. The most common findings are basal / lower lobe consolidation more on right, followed by ground glass densities, peripheral air space densities, diffuse airspace disease. Basal / lower lobe consolidation was the usual findings in the mild category. In the moderate category, a variable pattern of all findings was seen. In the severe category of disease, diffuse air space densities and peripheral air space opacities were seen. Pleural effusion is the least seen.
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