
Geometric and Static Analysis of the Historical Truss of the Medieval Truss Church of St. Martin in Dolní Újezd

IOP conference series Materials science and engineering(2021)

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Abstract The late-Romanesque St. Martin´s Church in Dolní Újezd was probably built in the mid-13th century. The nave has a wooden joist ceiling whose beams serve as tie beams too. The Gothic vaults above the presbytery date from ´30s of the 15th century. The truss of the church is dendro-dated to 1420 - 1421. Some members of a truss structure are dendro-dated to 1823 - 1824, when the repair was undertaken. The examined truss is a rafter-collar tie structure with collar beams and pedestal struts. It has a characteristic shape and may be typologically classified as a structure of the earlier period. This type of a truss structure was typically built in this region and represents one of the features occurring in the particular social and culture circles at the time. Consequently, a numerical model of the roof structure was created in order to perform a static analysis of the roof structure in accordance with present standards. With regard to the structural analysis results, it can be said that the original design of the structure based on geometrical and proportional principles satisfy the reliability conditions defined by current European standards for structural design.
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