
Ancient Textile Deterioration and Restoration: Bio-Cleaning of an Egyptian Shroud Held in the Torino Museum

Microorganisms in the Deterioration and Preservation of Cultural Heritage(2021)

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AbstractAncient textiles are fragile and several factors can affect their integrity. In the present chapter, the main agents of deterioration of old and new textiles, namely physical-chemical (light, oxygen, heat, and humidity) and biological factors as well as human erroneous interventions will be explored. As far as the biological deterioration is considered, the effects of microbial growth, primary and secondary metabolites (acids, solvents, surfactants, pigments) and enzymes (lipases, proteases, and glycosidases) on textile strength and cleanliness will be described in details. The main fungal and bacterial species involved in the damage (textile discoloration, black and green spots, cuts) will be reported. Adhesive application during restoration procedures is discussed to highlight the risk of glue thickening giving rise to dull precipitates on the fabric.The main strategies for oil-stain and glue removal (both animal glue, such as fish collagen, and vegetal glue, i.e. starch) will be described in the paragraph devoted to biorestoration. Finally, a case study concerning an ancient Coptic tunic housed in the Egyptian Museum of Torino, Italy, and biocleaned by means of gellan-immobilized alpha-amylase from Bacillus sp. will be largely discussed by reporting historical data, adhesive characterization, methods for artificial aging of simulated sample and glue removal from the artwork.
egyptian shroud,restoration,bio-cleaning
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