
Formative Work to Design the Packaging of a Lipid-based Nutrient Supplement for a Home Fortification Program in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

Katie Tripp, Svenja Jungjohann,Heather Clayton,Simeon Nanama,Fanny Sandalinas, Winnie Mujinga, Cristina Palma, Aissata Moussa Abba, Eric Ategbo,Roland Kupka,Zuguo Mei,Ambroise Nanema

European Journal of Nutrition & Food Safety(2015)

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Objectives: To determine a culturally appropriate product name and package design that would communicate important usage instructions for a lipid-based nutrient supplement (LNS) for a target population with diverse languages and low literacy. Methods: Formative work was conducted in two locations in Katanga region, DRC: Mabaya, a rural village and Kipushi, a peri-urban area. In each site, focus group discussions with parents of children aged 0-24 months (3 with mothers, and 1 with fathers) were conducted. Additionally, two key informant interviews with mothers and health workers were conducted in each location. Two sets of 7 images, one for each LNS sachet in the strip, were tested to assess perceptions of use. Different color options and product names were tested to identify culturally appropriate packaging. Results: The majority of participants read the different images on the multi sachet strip as a story line. Participants retained the main messages that the strip should convey: Optimal child feeding and care, product use, target group and potential product benefits. All participants recognized the mother and children in the images as "Congolese". Green and brown were identified as suitable colors for the packaging and were associated with qualities such as growth, and healthy development. The names Kulazuri (eating well) and Afiabora (good health) were preferred. A combination of the first two name proposals "Kulabora" (eating better) was decided upon. Conclusions: The results from this formative assessment were used to finalize the design of the LNS product, which is currently being distributed in Kasenga health zone.
nutrient supplement,packaging,home fortification program,lipid-based
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