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Uma Abordagem De Ensino Ativo Em Um Experimento De Eletrólise

Química Nova na Escola(2021)

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An active practical approach to teach electrolysis.The exponential expansion of knowledge and the dynamism of the contemporary world impose curricular modifications that privilege the development of competences and skills capable of conducting the students to lifelong learning.The active teaching strategy reaches the objective of shifting the focus from information to the formation of students.An approach of this nature was adopted to teach chemistry students in their senior year the main concepts of electrolysis.The pedagogic intervention consisted exclusively in experimentation, guided by a protocol containing only procedural instructions.The assessment of learning was made by essay questions in tests before and after the activity, with statistically superior results in the post-activity test.The receptivity of the students was assessed by their answers to a 10-question questionnaire, with a Likert scale, and revealed, combined with the data from the participant observation, the adhesion and enthusiasm of the students with the new approach.
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