
Electronic Supported Solutions to Scale-up Maternal New-born and Child Health Interventions Feasibility Assessment for Hoima District

Geoffrey Babughirana, Joel Fred Nsumba,Elisha Nangosha,Benon Musasizi, Rebecca Mirembe Mulindwa, Brian Manyasi, Lucy Adeke

International journal of information and communication sciences(2021)

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Background: The application of mobile telecommunication technologies in the improvement of Maternal New-born and Child Health for developing countries including Uganda is one of the key innovations in improving health outcomes. One of the key models used in disseminating health messages to mothers is the timed and targeted counselling (ttC) model. This model is being implemented in Uganda and it utilizes the services of Village Health Teams (VHTs) to drive change through mHealth. Understanding the feasibility of electronic supported solutions in scaling up Maternal New-born and Child Health intervention is critical at inception to guide resource allocation, understand existing strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to successful implementation of a mobiles health solution. Methods: Across-sectional study to collect quantitative and qualitative data from 432 VHTs was used. A census of 43 Health facilities was also done in Hoima district. Secondary data was collected from the District Health Team, Ministry of Health (MoH) and other relevant actors. The study followed the mHealth Assessment and Planning for Scale (MAPS) Toolkit self-assessment and planning guide designed to offer improvement of project capacity to pursue strategies that increase potential for scaling up and long-term sustainability achievements. A semi structured questionnaire was used which assessed the mHealth feasibility basing on the 16 domains under the 6 axes for the assessment for scale-up of an mHealth platform. Data was analysed at different levels from CommCare, and the District Health Information System (DHIS2) using SPSS. Results. 95.8% of VHTs owned a mobile phone and majorly used them for text messaging (71.3%). The biggest portion of VHTS use MTN network for voice calls or data services with accessibility findings of 88.8% and 86.2% respectively. Most health facilities (55.8%) had personnel trained in computer skills but only 46.5% are proficient in basic computer skills. From the analysis of the 6 axes, the functionality of the mHealth in Hoima district was at 42.6% with Axis 1 on ground work planning and implementation scoring highest with 63.9% and Axis 3 that focuses on Financing the mHealth platform scoring the lowest of 30.0%. Conclusion. For successful application of telecommunication mobile technologies, partnership between different actors needs to be up scaled to reduce on costs and maximize benefits. A deeper stakeholder analysis needs to be done for different organisations to be engaged in different elements that support the mHealth project.
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