
Convalescent Plasma Therapy in SARS-COV-2 Infection, Experience in Tucumán Argentina: an Observational Study

Rossana Chahla, Agote Felicitas, Medici Natalia, Agudo Gabriela, Farhat Maria, Sandoval Maria Rosa, De Gorostiza Graciela, Valenzuela Juan,Amicone Nancy,Barrenechea Guillermo, Aguilar Mónica,Costas Dardo, Sigler Walter, Toledo Roxana,Maldonado Carolina,Cazorla Silvia Inés,Chehin Rosana,Ploper Diego,Vera Pingitore Esteban,Tomas Grau Rodrigo,Perdigón Gabriela, Peral María de los Angeles

Frontiers in Medical Case Reports(2021)

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Background: Therapies based on different drugs and corticosteroids have been employed to stop the SARS-COV-2 virus infection.The administration of convalescent plasma (CP) is other therapy used to control COVID-19 disease.Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of the CP therapy on the recovery of SARS-COV-2 infection in 189 hospitalized patients who received this treatment during July to October 2020.Material and Methods: 189 patients with COVID-19 requiring hospitalization in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) or mechanical ventilation, from the public hospital dependent on the Health Ministry of Tucumán, Argentina, were selected to receive plasma.The Convalescent Plasma to be use in the transfusion therapy, was selected according the nucelocapside specific IgG antibody titer, measured by Abbott Architect SARS-CoV-2 assay.Results: We observed that early administration of CP, between3 to 5 days after hospitalization, to patients with moderate disease, was associated with a decrease in the mortality.In 27 patients from the Intensive Care Unit which required mechanical ventilation and 28 patients that presented several comorbidities, plasma administration was effective in 14 and 60% respectively. Conclusion:The results suggest that the favorable effect of CP would be related with the the period of time when plasma was administered to hospitalized patients and the severity of the disease.Early administration was a critical point to decrease the deaths of SARS-COV-2 infected patients.
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