
Coagulation profile in different trimesters of pregnancy to identify high risk pregnancy

International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies(2021)

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Background: The physiological changes in pregnancy may serve to protect the mother from the hazard of bleeding imposed by placentation and delivery, but they also carry the risk of an exaggerated response, localized or generalized, to coagulant stimuli. After correlating the trends of coagulation profile in all three trimesters of pregnancy with parameters [Body Mass Index (BMI), Glycemic status, Blood Pressure Status]; We can find out high risk pregnancies so that special attention can be given during pregnancy, labour and postpartum period. Material & Methods: A observational prospective analytic study done on 100 Pregnant ladies who were visited to routine antenatal clinic in the department of Obstetrics & Gynecological SMS Medical College and attached group of hospitals, on outdoor basis were selected in their first trimester (after 8 week gestation) in SMS medical college & attached group of hospitals during April 2017 to March 2018. The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee. All participants submitted informed consent before enrolment. After taking proper history, all the subjects underwent clinical examination comprising of general physical examination, assessment of vital parameters and systemic examination. Results: Our study that the mean age of study subjects was 26.46 ± 3.34 years. There was significant but weak positive correlation of D Dimer with BMI and Blood sugar in all trimesters of pregnancy. Significant correlation was found between APLA with DBP and MAP in 1st trimester of pregnancy. No correlation was found between APLA and other parameters in any trimester of pregnancy. Conclusion: We concluded that there were increased in FDP, D-Dimer, INR, APLA while platelets count, PT and aPTT were decreased. Further prospective study will be required to measure the outcome of pregnancy so we can define a high-risk pregnancy and those will get special attention in peripartum period. Keywords: Trimester, Pregnancy, D Dimer, BMI, Blood pressure, Correlation
coagulation profile,different trimesters,pregnancy
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