
Genetic Profiling of PHKA2 Gene and its Association with Udder Type Traits in Indian Dairy Cattle

Indian Journal of Animal Research(2021)

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Background: The experiment aimed to investigate polymorphisms in exon 2 of the PHKA2 gene and investigate the relationship between identified single nucleotide polymorphism and udder type traits in Sahiwal cows. Udder morphometry is being used as a forecaster of production performance in cows since older times. Finding the variants associated with these traits in largely variable region of PHKA2 gene can prove to be highly beneficial. Methods: DNA isolated from Sahiwal cows was analysed by DNA sequencing. Nine udder type and five teat types were measured for each animal according to procedure followed by International committee of animal recording (2012). Result: Three SNPs g.124497381C greater than T, X:124497248 G greater than A and X:124497189 C greater than T were identified. Recessive homozygotes were negligible as mutant allele exhibited very low ranging frequency (from 0.02 to 0.08) for the targeted loci. Identified point mutation g.124497381C greater than T was found to be significantly (p less than 0.05) associated with distance between teats and central ligament, SNP X: 124497248G greater than A with rear udder width, fore udder attachment, udder depth, udder length and teat length (p less than 0.05) and SNP X: 124497189 C greater than T with udder length and rear udder height (p less than 0.05). Interaction of identified SNPs and udder traits highlighted the gene’s potential as a candidate gene for selecting for conformation traits in Indian Sahiwal cattle.
phka2 genetic,indian dairy cattle,udder type traits
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