Grupos de escucha y apoyo en un hospital universitario como modelo de intervención para profesionales de la salud durante la pandemia de COVID-19

Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría(2023)

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Healthcare workers facing the COVID-19 pandemic have experienced unexpectedly traumatic situations associated with concerns about the possibility of acquiring the infection, excessive workloads, and the increased inpatient mortality rates. The objective was to make changes in hospital practices that facilitate spaces for the well-being of healthcare worker teams.We conducted an ongoing intervention during the first year of this outbreak. We established peer support groups by videoconference and individual virtual interventions for specialist physicians, resident physicians, nurses, and support personnel, focusing on problems and emotions related to the psychological impact of being on the clinical front line working with patients with pneumonia due to SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19).The group work helped the expression of feelings, peer support, and validation of personal emotional experience. The participants expressed the need for physical and psychological security in the battle against COVID-19 and the need for interpersonal ties and giving meaning to their experiences.Based on our findings, we consider it necessary to investigate the potentially traumatic experiences of healthcare workers and provide evidence-based knowledge that can generate novel approaches in psychosocial support work structures for this group.
Pandemia de COVID-19,Profesionales de la salud,Escucha activa,Grupos de apoyo virtuales,Telemedicina
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