Avaliação Da Influência Do Polimento Químico Na Sorpção, Solubilidade E Microdureza De Uma Resina Acrílica De Termopolimerização

Susana Maria Werner Samuel, Catia Rubinstein Selistre

Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia de Porto Alegre(2021)

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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of the chemical polishing, when compared to the mechanical polish, in the sorption, solubility and microhardness of a heat-polymerizable acrylic resin. The heatactivated acrylic resin used was Clássico (Art. Odontológicos Clássico Ltda., S.P.). The properties of sorption and the solubility were tested in accordance with International Organization for Standartization (ISO) specification n. 1567, making 20 samples in the format of disks, divided aleatory in two groups, where the first group received lhe mechanical polish with abrasive pastes, and the second, the chemical polish during IOS, in the chemical polisher PQ 9000 (série 4868-2, Termotron do Brasil Ltda., Piracicaba, SP). The samples were maintained in a desiccator with silica gel, at 37 DC, until the moment they reached constant mass (M1), obtained in a scale with resolution of 0,0001g. The samples were submerged in distilled water, at 37 Uc, for 7 days, when it was Obtained new mass value (M2). The difference between M1 and M2 divided by the volume Of each sample resulted in the sorption. The samples were desiccated again until they reach constant mass (M3). The difference between M1 and M3 divided by the volume of each sample resulted in the solubility Of the same ones. For the Knoop microhardness measurement, were made 20 specimens of acrylic resin, of which 10 samples received the mechanical polish and the others, the chemical polish. The Knoop microhardness test was made with a NU Research Microscope (VEB Carl Zeiss JENAGermany). The results indicated that the technique of the chemical polish is acceptable when considered the sorption property, even so unviable with the solubility property, in accordance with the specification n.1567 of ISO. The chemical polish also reduced significantly the superficial microhardness of the acrylic resin, which consequences can interfere in the clinical performance of the material.
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