
Impact of Romanov Breed Lamb Gender on Carcass Traits and Meat Quality Parameters Including Biogenic Amines and Malondialdehyde Changes During Storage

Food science & nutrition(2022)

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AbstractThe present study aims to evaluate the effect of Romanov breed lamb gender on carcass traits and meat quality parameters, as well as on the formation of biogenic amines (BAs) and malondialdehyde during meat storage. Obtained results revealed that lamb gender had a significant influence on sternum/breastbone, ribs, right shoulder, and bones of the back leg. Significantly higher lightness (by 3%) was found for male meat; however, higher redness of female meat was observed (by 7.7%). In all cases, a lower pH was obtained for female meat. Significantly higher cooking loss (by 38%) was found for male meat. However, gender was not a significant factor in lamb meat proximate composition, or for BAs and cholesterol content. The gender of animals had a significant influence on 10‐heptadecenoic (C17:1), linoleic (C18:2n – 6), total polyunsaturated FA, and total trans isomers content in meat. A significantly higher concentration of malondialdehyde was found in female lamb meat (by 43.4% and 56.8% in fresh and after 3 months of storage at −18°C, respectively) compared to males. Finally, the obtained results supplement the scarce database about the characteristics of Romanov breed meat of different gender and this is beneficial for lamb breeders and meat industry in order to obtain a better quality production.
biogenic amines,carcass trait,fatty acid profile,meat quality,Romanov lamb
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