
Learning on the Run – a Qualitative, Longitudinal Study of Pharmacy Educators’ Experiences Implementing a Hospital Pharmacy Residency Program

BMC medical education(2022)

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Background A hospital pharmacy foundation residency training program has been introduced in Australia, modelled on residency programs established in other countries. The program aims to support the professional development of early-career hospital pharmacists, in both clinical and non-clinical roles. Pharmacy educators are usually tasked with the implementation and maintenance of this program. This qualitative, longitudinal study aimed to investigate hospital pharmacy educators’ expectations, perceptions and experiences with implementing and developing their residency program. Methods Qualitative data were collected at two timepoints, approximately 24 months apart, using either focus groups or interviews with pharmacy educators who were directly involved in the implementation of the residency program at their respective hospitals. During the early phases of implementation, and approximately 24 months later, participants were asked about their experiences and expectations of the residency program as well as any changes that had occurred within the residency program over time. Results Four focus groups and three semi-structured interviews were held with pharmacy educators and senior pharmacists from different hospital settings. These were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. Transcripts were inductively analysed via thematic analysis. Fifteen hospital pharmacy educators and senior hospital pharmacists participated in the initial focus groups and interviews, and seven educators were retained for follow-up. Four main themes were established from the discussions: participants had great expectations of a positive impact of the residency on their workplace and residents’ professional development; substantial effort, support and resources were needed to implement and maintain a residency program; self-motivation and engagement is needed by residents to succeed and experience timely completion and career acceleration; and lastly a balance between standardisation, consistency and flexibility in delivering the residency needs to be found. The role of educators changed with the implementation of a residency, with the addition of more managerial and supervisory aspects. Conclusion The Australian hospital pharmacy foundation residency program is a complex workplace training program with multiple factors and prerequisites influencing its implementation, development and outcomes. Pharmacy educators are central to the successful implementation and ongoing sustainability of a residency program. They may benefit from formal training and qualifications to support their role.
Pharmacy education,Pharmacy residency,Workplace training,Pharmacy educator
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