Validity Evidence for Procedure-specific Competence Assessment Tools in Orthopaedic Surgery: A Scoping Review

Journal of Surgical Education(2022)

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INTRODUCTION:Competency-based training requires frequent assessment of residents' skills to determine clinical competence. This study reviews existing literature on procedure-specific competence assessment tools in orthopaedic surgery.METHODS:A systematic search of eight databases up to May 2023 was conducted. Two reviewers independently assessed validity evidence and educational utility of each assessment tool and evaluated studies' methodological quality.RESULTS:Database searching identified 2,556 unique studies for title and abstract screening. Full texts of 290 studies were reviewed; 17 studies met the inclusion criteria. Bibliography review identified another five studies, totaling 22 studies examining 24 assessment tools included in the analysis. These tools assessed various orthopaedic surgery procedures within trauma, sports medicine, spine, and upper extremity. Overall validity evidence was low across all studies, and was lowest for consequences and highest for content. Methodological quality of studies was moderate. Educational utility assessment was not explicitly done for most tools.DISCUSSION:The paucity of current procedure-specific assessment tools in orthopaedic surgery lacks the validity evidence required to be used reliably in high-stake summative assessments. Study strengths include robust methodology and use of an evidence-based validity evidence framework. Poor-quality existing evidence is a limitation and highlights the need for evidence-based tools across more subspecialties.
Surgical Education,competency,procedural competency,procedure-specific, assessments,competency by design
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