OsTUB1 Confers Salt Insensitivity by Interacting with Kinesin13A to Stabilize Microtubules and Ion Transporters in Rice.

New phytologist(2022)

Cited 9|Views30
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Salt stress is one of the major environmental factors limiting plant growth and development. Although microtubule (MT) organization is known to be involved in response to salt stress, few tubulin genes have been identified that confer salt insensitivity in plants. In this study, we identified a MT encoding gene, OsTUB1, that increased the survival rate of rice plants under salt stress by stabilizing MT organization and ion transporters. We found that OsTUB1 interacted with Kinesin13A protein, which was essential for OsTUB1-regulated MT organization under salt stress. Further molecular evidence revealed that a OsTUB1-Kinesin13A complex protected rice from salt stress by sustaining membrane-localized Na+ transporter OsHKT1;5, a key regulator of ionic homeostasis. Our results shed light on the function of tubulin and kinesin in regulating MT organization and stabilizing Na+ transporters and Na+ flux at the plasma membrane in rice. The identification of the OsTUB1-Kinesin13A complex provides novel genes for salt insensitivity rice breeding in areas with high soil salinity.
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Key words
microtubule,Na+ homeostasis,OsHKT1,OsKinesin13A,OsTUB1,rice (Oryza sativa),salt insensitivity
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