A conserved set of mutations for stabilizing soluble envelope protein dimers from dengue and Zika viruses to advance the development of subunit vaccines

Journal of Biological Chemistry(2022)

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Dengue viruses (DENV serotypes 1-4) and Zika virus (ZIKV) are related flaviviruses that continue to be a public health concern, infecting hundreds of millions of people annually. The traditional live-attenuated virus vaccine approach has been challenging for the four DENV serotypes because of the need to achieve balanced replication of four independent vaccine components. Subunit vaccines represent an alternative approach that may circumvent problems inherent with live-attenuated DENV vaccines. In mature virus particles, the envelope (E) protein forms a homodimer that covers the surface of the virus and is the major target of neutralizing antibodies. Many neutralizing antibodies bind to quaternary epitopes that span across both E proteins in the homodimer. For soluble E (sE) protein to be a viable subunit vaccine, the antigens should be easy to produce and retain quaternary epitopes recognized by neutralizing antibodies. However, WT sE proteins are primarily monomeric at conditions relevant for vaccination and exhibit low expression yields. Previously, we identified amino acid mutations that stabilize the sE homodimer from DENV2 and dramatically raise expression yields. Here, we tested whether these same mutations raise the stability of sE from other DENV serotypes and ZIKV. We show that the mutations raise thermostability for sE from all the viruses, increase production yields from 4-fold to 250-fold, stabilize the homodimer, and promote binding to dimer-specific neutralizing antibodies. Our findings suggest that these sE variants could be valuable resources in the efforts to develop effective subunit vaccines for DENV serotypes 1 to 4 and ZIKV.
antigen presentation,protein design,Rosetta,protein stability,vaccine development,dengue virus,Zika virus,flavivirus,soluble E dimer,antibody binding
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