
Abstract P173: the Impact of Cigarette Smoking-oral Contraceptive Combination on Cardiac Remodeling in Premenopausal Female Mice


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Introduction: Tobacco smoke is a major risk factor for coronary artery diseases (CAD) and chronic tobacco smoking (CS) increase the risk of CAD by 2 to 4 folds. CS effect on cardiac homeostasis has never been evaluated in premenopausal females taking oral contraceptive (OC). This study investigates CS effect on cardiac remodeling in female mice in the presence or absence of Ethinyl Estradiol (EE). Methods: Blood pressure and echocardiography were recorded for female C57BL/6J mice on EE, EE-CS, vehicle, and vehicle-CS at baseline and after 8-weeks of exposure. Cardiac inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress markers were evaluated by real time PCR and western blots. Interstitial collagen deposition was assessed by Masson Trichrome staining. Results: Eight weeks of EE-CS treated mice showed no effect on BP but significant adverse structural and functional cardiac effects, represented by increased systolic (0.981 ± 0.035 N=11 (p<0.0332)) and diastolic (1.450 ± 0.037 N=11 (p<0.0002)) areas when compared to the vehicle and EE groups, along with increased systolic (1.981 ± 0.109 N=11 (p<0.033)) and diastolic ( 3.911 ± 0.159 N=11 (p<0.033)) volumes when compared to all groups. Functional changes were accompanied with a decreased fractional shortening (9.194 ± 1.006 N=11 (p<0.033)) when compared to vehicle and EE groups with no changes in ejection fraction parameter. Moreover EE-CS treatment significantly increased NOX-4 expression (2.297 ± 0.643 N=5 (p<0.033)) when compared to EE treatment alone, along with an increased pro-inflammatory profile including IL-1β (0.750 ±0.171N=5 (p<0.033)) and IL-4 (4.110 ± 0.623 N= 5 (p<0.002)) when compared to all groups, and IL-6 (3.045±0.910 N=5 (p<0.002)) and IL-13 (2.686 ± 0.648 N=5 (p<0.033)) when compared to vehicle-CS group. Morphologically, EE-CS exhibited a significant increase in interstitial fibrosis (1.186± 0.020 N=5, 3.2285 ± 0.683 N=5, (p<0.033)) when compared to the vehicle-CS group. Conclusion: This study provides clear evidence that CS-exposed premenopausal female mice on OC regimen exhibited significant adverse cardiac events that could be classified under cardiac dysfunction with preserved ejection fraction. Additional experiments are warranted to further elaborate on these findings.
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