Globalization and Nationalism: Contending Forces in World Politics


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Globalization is facing widespread condemnation at a time when worldwide crises ranging from climate change to pandemic policy increasingly demand a coordinated response. Rising nationalist, populist, and anti-globalization movements in many of the world's richest nations are placing great pressure on the international system pioneered by Western democracies following World War II. This special issue showcases new research on the sources and types of backlash. It also considers the consequences of this backlash for democracy, for international institutions and foreign policy. We aim to broaden the debate on the causes and consequences of rising populism and nationalism and offer unique perspectives on how and why the current international order is struggling to address the many global challenges in need of large-scale cooperative solutions.
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globalization, nationalism, world politics, <bold>Palabras clave</bold>, globalizacion, nacionalismo, politica mundial, <bold>mots cles</bold>, mondialisation, nationalisme, politique mondiale
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