
Giant Magneto Field Effect in Up-Conversion Amplified Spontaneous Emission Via Spatially Extended States in Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskites

Opto-electronic advances(2022)

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Up-conversion lasing actions are normally difficult to realize in light-emitting materials due to small multi-photon absorption cross section and fast dephasing of excited states during multi-photon excitation. This paper reports an easily accessible up-conversion amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) in organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites (MAPbBr3) films by optically exciting broad gap states with sub-bandgap laser excitation. The broad absorption was optimized by adjusting the grain sizes in the MAPbBr3 films. At low sub-bandgap pumping intensities, directly exciting the gap states leads to 2-photon, 3-photon, and 4-photon up-conversion spontaneous emission, revealing a large optical cross section of multi-photon excitation occurring in such hybrid perovskite films. At moderate pumping intensity (1.19 mJ/cm2) of 700 nm laser excitation, a significant spectral narrowing phenomenon was observed with the full width at half maximum (FWHM) decreasing from 18 nm to 4 nm at the peak wavelength of 550 nm, simultaneously with a nonlinear increase on spectral peak intensity, showing an up-conversion ASE realized at low threshold pumping fluence. More interestingly, the up-conversion ASE demonstrated a giant magnetic field effect, leading to a magneto-ASE reaching 120%. In contrast, the up-conversion photoluminescence (PL) showed a negligible magnetic field effect (< 1%). This observation provides an evidence to indicate that the light-emitting states responsible for up-conversion ASE are essentially formed as spatially extended states. The angular dependent spectrum results further verify the existence of spatially extended states which are polarized to develop coherent in-phase interaction. Clearly, using broad gap states with spatially extended light-emitting states presents a new approach to develop up-conversion ASE in organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites.
organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite,orbital order,magneto-ASE,spatially extended states
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