Light Amplification Materials Based on Biopolymers Doped with Dye Molecules.Structural Insights from N-15 and C-13 Solid-State Dynamic Nuclear Polarization


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C-13 and N-15 solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) combined with dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) is used to investigate the structure of dye-doped biopolymer-based materials that can be used in amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) experiments. By comparing calligraphic paper prepared from cellulose and scaffolds prepared from chitosan as substrates, differences in the interactions of the carrier material with the dye molecule Calcofluor White are obtained. These are most probably induced by structural changes of the carrier material due to its interaction with water forming hydrogen bonds. Such structural differences may explain the obtained variation of the emission wavelength of Calcofluor White doped on these substrates in ASE experiments.
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