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Learning Panoptic Segmentation from Instance Contours.

2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)(2021)

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Panoptic Segmentation aims to provide an understanding of background (stuff) and instances of objects (things) at a pixel level. It combines the separate tasks of semantic segmentation (pixel level classification) and instance segmentation to build a single unified scene understanding task. Typically, panoptic segmentation is derived by combining semantic and instance segmentation tasks that are learned separately or jointly (multi-task networks). In general, instance segmentation networks are built by adding a foreground mask estimation layer on top of object detectors or using instance clustering methods that assign a pixel to an instance center. In this work, we present a fully convolution neural network that learns instance segmentation from semantic segmentation and instance contours (boundaries of things). Instance contours along with semantic segmentation yield a boundary aware semantic segmentation of things. Connected component labeling on these results produces instance segmentation. We merge semantic and instance segmentation results to output panoptic segmentation. We evaluate our proposed method on the CityScapes dataset to demonstrate qualitative and quantitative performances along with several ablation studies. Our overview video can be accessed from https:/
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