
High temperature fluid-rock interaction recorded in a serpentinized wehrlite from eastern Singhbhum Craton, India: Evidence from mineralogy, geochemistry and in situ trace elements of clinopyroxene


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A N-S trending, lenticular, and dismembered ultramafic unit is found emplaced within the multiply deformed metapelites of the North Singhbhum Mobile Belt, belonging to the Singhbhum Craton, eastern India. Their occurrence in an orogenic belt, lack of evidences of intrusive activity and close proximity to the Singhbhum Shear Zone suggest emplacement by thrust control. These rocks have experienced extensive serpentinization which has obscured and obliterated some of the features of the protolith. Relict areas of the Bangriposi wehrlite rocks indicate that the protolith might have been a cumulate clinopyroxene-dunite/wehrlite from an oceanic magma chamber. Detailed petrography and mineralogy reveal numerous metasomatic features which are separate from the serpentinization event: (i)Very high Ni-content of the relict olivines which does not correlate with Fo contents, (ii) Presence of secondary clinopyroxene (Cpx2) rims around primary olivine and replacing primary clinopyroxene (Cpx1), which have major and trace element compositions similar to clinopyroxenes from diopsidites of crustal origin (iii) Occurrence of secondary calcic hornblendes as tiny blebs within the Cpx2 rims (iv) Occurrence of secondary Mg-chlorite as interstitial patches between olivine rimmed by Cpx2 and inter-mixed with antigorite in the matrix, (v) Modifications of original Cr-spinels to ferri-chromite cores rimmed by magnetite. These features indicate these rocks have experienced fluid-rock interaction at temperatures above the serpentinization process. Primary Cpx1 grains exhibit elevated LREE compositions and can either reflect effects of cryptic metasomatism or crystallization from an enriched melt. Both groups of clinopyroxenes exhibit LILE enrichment and HFSE depletion. P-T estimates from Cpx1 and Cpx2 yield values of ~1200 °C and 0.5–1.2 GPa. The calcic hornblendes provide more realistic estimates of ~1000 °C and ~ 1.0 GPa, which suggest that the Cpx2 + hornblende assemblage formed during high temperature fluid-rock interaction. Presence of interstitial chlorite, chlorite+antigorite in the matrix and Cr-spinel recrystallization suggests successively decreasing temperatures during the fluid-rock interaction episode. Modeled trace element characteristics of fluids which are supposed to be in equilibrium with Cpx2 show similarities with high-temperature, ore-forming basinal brines. Similar basinal brines formed Cu-U ores in the Singhbhum Shear Zone and was likely the metasomatic agent of the Bangriposi wehrlite rocks. These rocks were originally cumulate ultramafic units from an oceanic crustal magma chamber, which experienced prolonged fluid-rock interaction in a retrogressive regime, until its emplacement as a dismembered unit in an orogenic belt.
Fluid-rock interaction,Wehrlite,Diopsidites,Oceanic magma chamber,Basinal brines
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