
50-LB: Using Cluster Analysis to Identify Attitudes Towards Diabetes-Related Technology


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Objective: To group people with type 1/2 diabetes mellitus (T1D/T2D) into clusters reflecting attitudes towards DM-related technology.Methods: Adults with commercial or Medicare Advantage insurance, ≥1 medical claim for T1D/T2D and treated with insulin MDI or pump during 2/1/19-1/31/20 were identified in the HealthCore Integrated Research Database. Consenting patients completed a survey including 6 patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) involving DM technology/care (Table 1). The jump method determined the number of clusters; k-means clustering, using PROM scores, segmented respondents into groups. The authors assigned descriptive labels to clusters.Results: Nine clusters were created from 566 patients with complete PROMs. Technology Embracers (clusters 6,4,7) had positive technology/DM care attitudes, low distress, primarily T1D patients with the most pump use. Cautious Technology Adopters (clusters 2,3,9) had positive technology attitudes with mixed DM care attitudes, mix of T1D/T2D patients and primarily MDI users. High Hurdle Technology Adopters (clusters 1,5,8) had lowest technology attitude scores, less positive DM care attitudes, mix of T1D/T2D patients and primarily MDI users.Conclusion: People with DM may be grouped by attitudes towards technology/DM care behaviors with unique clinical characteristics that may inform tailored interventions and technology offerings.View largeDownload slideView largeDownload slide DisclosureE. L. Eby: Employee; Self; Eli Lilly and Company, Stock/Shareholder; Self; Eli Lilly and Company. J. J. Stephenson: None. F. Gelsey: Employee; Self; Eli Lilly and Company, Stock/Shareholder; Self; Eli Lilly and Company. J. Poon: Employee; Self; Eli Lilly and Company. S. B. Governor: Other Relationship; Self; Novo Nordisk. C. Nguyen: Employee; Self; HealthCore. V. Willey: Employee; Self; HealthCore.
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