
The Geomorphic Origin of Large Wetlands in Africa’s Elevated Drylands: a Geographic Information System and Earth Observation Approach

South African geographical journal(2022)

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The topographic, climatic and tectonic conditions of the sub-continent present opportunities to better understand the role that geomorphological processes play in determining the origin of large wetlands. Yet, there is limited information on the geomorphic origin of large wetlands in southern and eastern Africa due to wetland inaccessibility and limited wetland geomorphological studies that have been conducted in these regions. The current study aims to provide an understanding of the geomorphic origin of large wetlands in Africa's elevated drylands. Satellite images were used to identify geomorphic features, while digital elevation models were used for topographic analysis, and geological maps provided tectonic and lithological information. Abductive reasoning was used to infer geomorphic features to processes that could have led to their formation while drawing inference from existing knowledge or relevant literature. The study demonstrated different processes that contribute to wetland formation, structure, and evolution. In some instances, tectonic processes may be primarily responsible for the formation of basins that hosts wetlands such as Wembere and Bahi wetlands in Tanzania. In other cases, wetlands such as the Lufira and Barotse wetlands in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia, respectively, may be structured primarily by fluvial processes.
Geomorphic origin,geomorphology,fluvial processes,tectonic activities,wetland formation
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