
Data from uniaxial compressive testing of laboratory-made granular ice

Data in brief(2022)

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Uniaxial compressive tests of laboratory-made granular freshwater ice were conducted in a cold room in the ductile and brittle strain rate range at -10.83 degrees C +/- 0.74 degrees C. Ice specimens with a length to diameter ratio of 2.5 showing brittle behavior failed by axial splitting. With the Instron Labtronic 8800, the operator controlled the tests at a frequency of 4,000 Hz. The data acquisition rate was 25,00 0 Hz, and for faster experiments, 10 0,0 00 Hz. The operator controlled on a random basis the hydraulic cylinder by either the cylinder displacement or the specimen displacement. Increasing as well as constant and decreasing compression strength trends with increasing strain rates could be shown in the past. The data presented here show a lower compressive strength at strain rates higher than 4*10(-3) s(-1). The data consist of the time history of the specimen and cylinder displacement measurement (in mm), and the force measurement (in kN). The data is available as a separate .xlsx file for each test performed. In total, 123 tests were performed. If the test was performed with a 10 mm gap, the label ends with a 'g'. The abbreviations are separated with an underscore. The data provided here can be used to validate ice-material models or for ice-testing databases for machine learning purposes. (C) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc.
Uniaxial compression,Ice,Ductile,Brittle,Axial splitting,Displacement controlled test
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