Herpes simplex Virus Pneumonitis in an Acute/Subacute Paracoccidioidomycosis Patient With Malabsorption Syndrome. Case-Report and Literature Review.

Ricardo S Cavalcante, Bruno S Souza,Iverson X Duarte, Marcelo P T Moraes, Kunie I R Coelho, Beatriz L Griva,Beatriz A S Pereira,Sueli A Calvi,Marluci Betini,Rinaldo P Mendes

Frontiers in fungal biology(2022)

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Paracoccidioides sp.-Herpes simplex virus (HSV) co-infection was not reported until now and malabsorption syndrome is a rare complication of the acute/subacute form (AF) of paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), characterized by life-threatening abnormalities, such as fat and protein loss, lymphopenia, ascites, and intense immunosuppression. A 21-year-old woman presented the PCM AF with intense involvement of the abdominal and intestinal lymphoid organs, which leads to the malabsorption syndrome and severe immunosuppression. This patient developed a fatal-disseminated HSV infection associated with the paracoccidioidal disease. This case demonstrates that, in addition to the antigen-specific immunosuppression, some PCM patients can present a generalized cell-mediated immune depression and endogenous infection of latent microorganisms. On the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of an association between PCM and HSV infection.
paracoccidioidomycosis,Paracoccidioides brasiliensis,paracoccidioidomycosis-herpetic infection comorbidity,Herpes simplex pneumonitis,herpetic infection and malnutrition,malnutrition
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