
An Ostracod-Based Record of Paleoecological Conditions During MIS6 and MIS5, from Lake Chalco, Basin of Mexico

Journal of paleolimnology(2022)

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A sediment record from Lake Chalco, Basin of Mexico, revealed the presence of two endemic ostracod species during the latter part of Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 6 (146–130 ka) and MIS5 (130–72 ka), namely Candona alchichica and Limnocytherina axalapasco. Higher abundance of C. alchichica was found during MIS6, when prevailing conditions were cold, lake waters were fresh, and relatively deep bottom waters were anoxic. The species is typically associated with saline environments today, consistent with its presence in MIS5 sediments. The Chalco record, however, reveals that it coexisted with freshwater diatom species during MIS6. Thus, we suggest that C. alchichica had a wider salinity tolerance, ranging from freshwater to more saline environments. Examination of MIS5 substages provides further insights into ostracod species responses to changing lake conditions. During MIS5e, the lake water level declined and salinity and dissolved oxygen in the water column increased, thereby favouring L. axalapasco productivity, whereas C. alchichica productivity decreased. Enhanced runoff and lower than average evaporation during MIS5d coincided with the increasing abundance of C. alchichica , suggesting a period of relatively high lake level and more dilute waters. These environmental conditions, however, changed during MIS5c when lake stage dropped once again and L. axalapasco abundance increased. Shallow conditions during this substage were optimal for L. axalapasco . Subsequently, as the lake level continued to decline during MIS5b, both ostracod species disappeared from the sediment record. Finally, during MIS5a, runoff increased and both ostracod species reappeared in the record, with L. axalapasco dominating, suggesting another period of lake level recovery. Increased evaporation rates during the last part of this substage (75–72 cal ka BP) may have led to disappearance of ostracods from the sediment record. Overall, during MIS5, we detected higher L. axalapasco , which represent relatively shallow lake conditions.
Lake Chalco,Glacial–interglacial,North America,Ostracods,Candona alchichica,Limnocytherina axalapasco
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