
Computational and Experimental Study of the Working Process of a Promising Rotary Piston Engine

Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij Mašinostroenie(2022)

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The article considers mathematical model in a three-dimensional setting developed to study the Wankel engine working process. The verification of the mathematical model is carried out on the basis of measured unsteady pressures in the combustion chamber and in the inlet and outlet ports of a Wankel engine. The engine workflow model is based on the fundamental equations of momentum, energy, diffusion and continuity, written in Reynolds form and supplemented by a k-?-f turbulence model. Fuel combustion was simulated using the Extended Coherent Flame Model (ECFM). Numerical experiments were carried out using the AVL FIRE software package. The paper considers in detail the effect of the movement of the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber of a Wankel engine, considering the intake and exhaust processes in adjacent chambers and the gas overflows from the volumes of spark plug channels into the main chamber on the combustion processes and the engine performance. The effect of the movement of the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber of a Wankel engine on the combustion processes and engine performance is considered in detail taking into account the processes of intake and exhaust in adjacent chambers and the leakage of the working fluid from the volumes of the spark plug channels into the main chamber.
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