OR8. Appropriateness of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Procedure in Indonesia

P. F. Hadisoemarto, N. F. Tarsidin, L. Ariska, R. D. Wandira,B. B. Tiksnadi, L. S. Masytoh, F. Dany, S. Sastroasmoro

European heart journal supplements(2021)

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Abstract Background and Aims There is a possibility of the high variability of the appropriateness of PCI performed in Indonesia. It is assumed that appropriate PCI tends to have clinical outcomes than other categories. This study aimed to evaluate the appropriateness of the percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) procedure in Indonesia. Method and Results We assigned appropriateness ratings to 214 acute coronary syndromes (ACS) and 191 stable ischemic heart disease (SIHD) records that underwent PCI in four hospitals from 2017 - 2018. The included hospitals consist of one public and three private hospitals, two cardiovascular centers, and two general hospitals with the most performed PCI procedures on 2016 - 2018 and accessible to the researchers. The PCI appropriateness was adjudicated using 2016/2017 ACC/AHA guidelines of the Appropriate Use of Care (AUC) for coronary revascularization in ACS and SIHD. The results were categorized into “appropriate”, “maybe appropriate”, and “rarely appropriate”. The result from this study demonstrated that in ACS patients, 76.0% and 24.0% of PCI were appropriate” and “maybe appropriate”. While, in SHID patients, 68.7%, 28.7%, and 2.6% of PCI were “appropriate”, “maybe appropriate”, and “rarely appropriate”. In ACS patients, “appropriate” PCI is more commonly found in ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) cases (62.6%). In SIHD patients, 54.0% and 46.0% of left-main diseases patients underwent “maybe appropriate” and “rarely appropriate” PCI. Conclusion The majority of PCI performed in ACS and SIHD patients from the studied hospitals are “appropriate”.
Appropriate use of care,coronary artery disease,percutaneous coronary intervention
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