Editor’s Acknowledgment of Service to JSSWR

M. AbiNader, Erum Agha, E. Alessi,Mustapha Alhassan, N. Alhuzail, Skye Allmang, Takashi Amano, Theresa Anasti, B. Angell,David Ansong,A. Aykanian, Christine Bakos-Block,A. Barbee,S. Begun, F. Bell,Jennifer L. Bellamy,Lindsay Bornheimer,A. Bouris, N. Bowen, David Brennan, S. Bressi,Kim C. Brimhall,Alicia C. Bunger, Rachel Burrage, Fredrick Butcher,K. Byers, T. Byrne, W. Cabin, Jamie L. Cage, Stephanie Canzales, Jose Carbajal, J. Cheung, Monit Cheung, M. Christensen, Dianne Ciro Ram Cnaan, Mary Collins,Tara Consolino, Nicole A. Corley, Robynn S Cox,Courtney M. Cronley,Fernanda Cross, C. Dayton,M. Despard, J. Portz, Sarah Dow-Fleisner,Amy Lynn Dworsky, S. Eack,Brittany H. Eghaneyan, G. Enosh, A. Farina, G. Farmer,L. Fedina,K. Ferguson, Jennifer M. First,Kalen Flynn,A. Foell,Terri L. Friedline, D. Gerke, D. Giustini, Aa Gottlieb,L. Graham, J. Greenfield, Claudette Grinnell-Davis, Ting-Ting Guan, R. Hagan, Vern Harner, K. Henry, Anna L Herriott, Andrea Hetling, Daryl J. Higgins, J. Hong,T. Howell,H. Hsu, M. Huda, Darrell L. Hudson, R. Iversen, Yuri Jang,S. Jin, R. Joseph,K. Kainz,Isaac Karikari,S. Kattari, Jeongsuk Kim, Hyunil Kim, Jaeseung Kim,Eric Kyere, T. Labrum,Ashley Lacombe-Duncan, S. Lambert, Kathy Lee,J. O. Lee, L. Levin, Michael Lewis, Qingyi Li, Elizabeth Lightfoot,Melissa A. Lippold, V. Livingston,Bob Lonne, R. Loya,J. Lubben, J. Lukens, K. Maguire-Jack, J. Mallonee,Michael Mancini, R. Margolis, Jeannette K. Marsh,Henrika McCoy,Branden A. McLeod, J. Mersky, Jennifer E. Mosley, Yun-jong Nam, S. Neely-Barnes, T. Newman, Nicole Nicotera,Sehun Oh, Mary L. Ohmer, J. Oktay, Mark D. Olson,L. Palinkas, Jane Palmer,P. Pecora, Panagiotis Pentaris, C. Peters, Stephen Pimpare,Maria Pineros Leano, Sarah Price,Abha Rai, Stephen L. Rassi,K. Ravi, Sarah Reed,Nicole Ruggiano, T. Ward, Anna Scheyett

Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research(2022)

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T he peer-review process is critical to ensuring the quality and rigor of the work published by the Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research ( JSSWR). Peer reviews are the core of good scholarly publishing and a hallmark of all reputable journals. The peer reviewers listed here contributed their time and talents in 2021 to provide thoughtful, constructive critiques and encourage authors to produce their best written work. These reviewers have played a vital role in maintaining JSSWR’s high standards and commitment to timely dissemination of innovative research. Indeed, the time and effort that our peer reviewers dedicate to providing well-considered feedback on JSSWR submissions is a contribution not only to the journal but also to the social work field. The responsiveness of our reviewers has enabled JSSWR to maintain its commitment to high-quality, rapid review of manuscripts, with authors receiving a decision within 25 days of submission, on average. As a gesture of our appreciation to the referees who have given of their time and expertise, we would like to formally thank them for their service to the journal in 2021.
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