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Using Crowd-Sourced Low-Cost Sensors in a Land Use Regression of PM2.5 in 6 US Cities

Air Quality Atmosphere & Health(2022)

California State University | University of Washington | Carnegie Mellon University | Virginia Tech

Cited 8|Views1
Assessing exposure to ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is important for improving human health. With rapidly expanding low-cost sensor networks globally, it is possible for monitoring networks to be located by a variety of users (i.e., crowd sourcing) to increase measurement density and coverage for use in exposure assessment, e.g., national land use regression (LUR) models. Few studies have integrated low-cost sensors into LUR models across multiple cities, limiting the ability of modelers to fully utilize growing low-cost sensor networks worldwide. We developed five LUR models to predict annual average PM2.5 concentrations using combinations of regulatory (six cities: n = 68; national: n = 757) and low-cost monitors (n = 149) from six US cities. We found that developing Hybrid LURs that include the low-cost (i.e., PurpleAir) network may better capture within-city variation. LURs with the PurpleAir data only (tenfold CV R2 = 0.66, MAE = 2.01 µg/m3) performed slightly worse than a conventional LUR based on regulatory data only (tenfold CV R2 = 0.67, MAE = 0.99 µg/m3). Hybrid models that included both low-cost and regulatory data performed similarly to existing national models that rely on regulatory data (hybrid models: tenfold CV R2 = 0.85, MAE = 1.02 µg/m3; regulatory monitor models: R2 = 0.83, MAE = 0.72 µg/m3). Integrating crowd-sourced low-cost sensor networks in LUR models has promising applications to help identify intra-city exposure patterns especially for regions with limited regulatory networks internationally.
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Key words
Open data,Low-cost monitoring,Empirical model,Hybrid model,Within-city variability
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方法】:通过结合监管监测数据与低成本传感器数据(PurpleAir),开发出包含低成本传感器的混合土地利用回归模型(Hybrid LURs)。

实验】:在六个美国城市使用了监管数据(六个城市共68个监测点,全国共757个监测点)和低成本传感器数据(共149个监测点),通过十折交叉验证,结果显示混合模型的表现与仅依赖监管数据的现有国家模型相当(混合模型:十折CV R²=0.85,MAE=1.02 µg/m³;监管监测模型:R²=0.83,MAE=0.72 µg/m³)。