
Development of Plasma Sources and Diagnostics for the Simulation of Fusion Edge Plasmas

Journal of the Korean Physical Society(2022)

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Although the research on divertors and scrape-off layers (SOLs) has been not as focused on as the recent success of the Korean fusion program, a few linear plasma devices have been developed for simulating divertor and SOL plasmas: (1) diversified plasma simulator (DiPS), a versatile linear machine, has been developed for simulations of divertor and space plasmas with various electric probes, such as single, triple, and Mach Probes and gridded energy analyzer. DiPS consists of two major parts: a divertor plasma simulator with a LaB6 DC plasma source and a space plasma simulator with a helicon RF plasma source, (2) divertor plasma simulator-1 (DiPS -1) is a part of DiPS with only a LaB6 cathode, where a low-power laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) is added and more electric probe diagnostics are augmented; it is dedicated only for fusion edge and divertor plasmas, (3) Divertor Plasma Simulator-2 (DiPS-2) has been modified from the DiPS-1 by adding a magnetic nozzle with a limiter structure and by removing the helicon source and space chamber. DiPS-2 is a linear plasma device with a 4-inch LaB6 cathode, the same as DiPS-1, and it is focused on the development of various diagnostics, such as those used for LIF and laser Thomson scattering (LTS) along with various electric probes, on the divertor and scrape-off plasmas and on the plasma-material interaction (PMI) research, such as that of tungsten and graphite as plasma-facing components (PFCs), (4) A Multi-Purpose Plasma (MP2) device is a renovation of the Hanbit mirror device [Kwon et al., Nucl. Fusion 43, 686 (2003)] with the installation of two plasma sources: LaB6 (DC) and helicon (RF) plasma sources. A honeycomb-like large-area LaB6 (HLA-LaB6) cathode has been developed for the divertor plasma simulation to improve the resistance against the thermal shock fragility for large (8-inch) and high density plasma generation, (5) DiPS-2 has been augmented by adding another cylindrical device, called the Dust interaction with Surfaces Chamber (DiSC) for the generation and diagnostics of dusts. This combined system (DiPS-2+DiSC) has added two more diagnostics: Laser Photo-Detachment (LPD) for dust density and laser Mie Scattering (LMS) for dust size. Moreover, dusts or negative ions have been analyzed by using electric probes and capacitive diagram gauges in Transport and Removal of Dusts (TReD) device.
Plasma-material interaction,LaB6 cathode,Divertor plasma,Plasma diagnostics,Electric probes,Laserinduced fluorescence (LIF),Laser Thomson scattering (LTS)
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