
Enhancement of Biosludge Dewatering Using Proteins Through Dual Conditioning

Social Science Research Network(2022)

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In pulp and paper mills, effective biosludge dewatering is essential in wastewater treatment to reduce the large volume of biosludge that needs to be treated and disposed. The dewatering process normally requires the use of polymers from petroleum-based sources. This study explores the potential of using cationic proteins such as protamine for biosludge dewatering through dual conditioning with a small amount of a synthetic anionic polymer such as anionic polyacrylamide (APAM). The results show that dual conditioning provides substantial synergistic enhancements in dewatering. The maximum cake solids content of biosludge achieved by adding protamine (7.5%) alone was 12%. By dual conditioning with a small amount of APAM (0.1%), not only the cake solids content was increased to 16%, but also the amount of protamine addition was substantially lowered to 2%. These results, coupled with the change in zeta potential of the particles in the biosludge samples, suggest that the cationic protamine reduced the negative charge of the particles, allowing smaller particles to agglomerate and providing a positively charged framework for the subsequent addition of the negatively charged APAM. After adding APAM, substantial floc-bridging occurred, allowing smaller flocs to aggregate into larger flocs. These synergistic effects can lower the wastewater treatment cost by reducing the amount of synthetic polymer and by applying low-value proteins from natural sources.
bio-flocculants,biosludge,dewatering,dual conditioning,protamine
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