
Effect of Variation of the Coefficient of Friction on the Temperature at the Level of the Fault Lips

Open journal of earthquake research(2022)

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Earth's crust is an anisotropic and purely heterogeneous medium, which is justified by existence of different discontinuities; our study aims to show the effect of the variation of coefficient of friction on the evolution of temperature and its impact on seismic forecasting.In this work, we are model in 2D the variation of thermal energy and temperature produced by friction at the level of fault lip as function of depth of the seismic focus and at different value of time.Earthquakes are born when the energy accumulated by friction at the level of fault is suddenly released causing damage, sometimes noticeable on the surface of earth (macroseisms), and sometimes not at all noticeable on the surface of earth (microseisms), then energy which occurs before is important to forecasting earthquake.Assuming that coefficient of friction is variable, our results have enabled us to highlight the fact that, the greater the coefficient of friction, more the temperature increases, although the temperature profile increase over time but not linearly reflecting the presence of different asperities and discontinuities zone; slip generated at the level of fault occur a variation of temperature on specific points called roughness in common agreement with the literature.A large part of energy produced by friction is dissipated in heat causing a local increases in temperature which a very short duration and called flash contact temperature, and that despite the fact that the temperature evolved in time and space, it all converged towards a perfectly distinguishable fixed point.
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