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[Multicenter Study of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Symptoms Prevalence in Outpatients in Russia].

D. S. Bordin,R. A. Abdulkhakov,M. F. Osipenko, A. Solovyeva,S. R. Abdulkhakov,N. P. Kirilenko,M. A. Butov, O. Berezina,E. R. Valitova,D. D. Safina, I. M. Alieva,M. A. Livzan,A. S. Sarsenbaeva,G. N. Tarasova, Y. Embutnieks, I. R. Mubarakshina, I. K. Khayrullin,A. G. Kononova, S. Kolbasnikov,I. Maev

Terapevticheskii Arkhiv(2022)SCI 4区

Loginov Moscow Clin Sci Ctr | Kazan State Med Univ | Novosibirsk State Med Univ | Tver State Med Univ | Ryazan State Med Univ | Kazan Fed Univ | Omsk State Med Univ | South Ural State Med Univ | Rostov State Med Univ | Yevdokimov Moscow State Univ Med & Dent

Cited 4|Views0
BACKGROUND Recently, there has been an increase in the prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in Northern Europe, North America and East Asia. However data on GERD prevalence in Russian population are very limited. AIM To determine the prevalence of GERD among the population of Russia, the clinical spectrum of GERD symptoms, the main drugs used for GERD treatment, and the rate of their administration. MATERIALS AND METHODS The study was conducted from November 2015 to January 2017 in 8 cities of Russia. A survey of patients over the age of 18 years old visiting outpatient medical institutions for any reason, including patients without gastrointestinal complaints was carried out using a short version of the Mayo Clinic questionnaire. RESULTS In total, 6132 questionnaires of patients aged 1890 years were analyzed [2456 men (40.1%) and 3676 women (59.9%), mean age 46.615.4 years]. The GERD prevalence among the interviewed patients was 34.2%. The incidence of GERD increased depending on body mass index and the age of the patients. Medications used by the patients for heartburn relief included proton pump inhibitors 59.96%, antacids 67.92%, H2-histamine receptor blockers 11.42%, alginates 18.41% of patients. CONCLUSION The results of this study indicate a high prevalence of GERD among residents of Russian cities applying for primary health care (34.2%). In comparison with previous studies, an increase in the proportion of GERD patients taking proton pump inhibitors was noted; in most cases the regimen of their intake was in accordance with the recommendations.
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Key words
gastroesophageal reflux disease,heartburn,regurgitation,questionnaire survey,gastroesophageal reflux disease epidemiology
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Российский журнал гастроэнтерологии, гепатологии, колопроктологии 2022


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要点】:本研究调查了俄罗斯门诊患者中胃食管反流病(GERD)的流行情况,发现 GERD 的患病率为 34.2%,并且患者对质子泵抑制剂的使用比例增加。

方法】:通过在俄罗斯8个城市对年龄在18岁以上、因任何原因就诊的门诊患者使用 Mayo Clinic 问卷的简短版本进行问卷调查。

实验】:2015年11月至2017年1月期间,共分析了6132份年龄在18-90岁之间的患者问卷(男性2456人,女性3676人,平均年龄46.6±15.4岁),结果显示 GERD 患病率为34.2%,且与体重指数和年龄相关。患者用于缓解烧心的药物包括质子泵抑制剂(59.96%)、抗酸剂(67.92%)、H2组胺受体阻滞剂(11.42%)、藻酸盐(18.41%)。