Koisio Technology-Modulated Cell Culture Media Can Lead to Markedly Increased Intracellular ATP Levels of Fibroblast Cell Cultures


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It has been reported that Koisio technology-modulated water without external additions of any substances can enter several types of aquaporins with significantly higher rate. In this study we determined the effects of Koisio technology-modulated cell culture media (Koisio media) on the energy state of cells. We found that for the lung fibroblast (L929) cell cultures, Koisio media without any additions of external substances led to approximately an 57% increase in the intracellular ATP levels of the cell cultures at the Cell Passage 6 - 18, compared with regular cell culture media. Seemingly surprisingly, we did not find that Koisio media could significantly affect the mitochondrial membrane potential of the cells, compared with regular cell culture media. Collectively, our study has provided first evidence indicating that Koisio media can lead to remarkable increases in the intracellular ATP levels of the L929 cell cultures, suggesting significant potential of Koisio technology in generating energy-enhancing water. Our finding that Koisio media did not affect the mitochondrial membrane potential has suggested that novel mechanisms may underlie the effects of Koisio media on cellular energy.
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