
Research on Self-balancing Two Wheels Mobile Robot Control System Analysis

Electrical science & engineering(2022)

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The paper presents the research on self-balancing two-wheels mobile robot control system analysis with experimental studies. The research problem in this work is to stabilize the mobile robot with self-control and to carry the sensitive things without failing in a long span period. The main objective of this study is to focus on the mathematical modelling of mobile robot from laboratory scale to real world applications. The numerical expression with mathematical modelling is very important to control the mobile robot system with linearization. The fundamental concepts of dynamic system stability were utilized for maintaining the stability of the constructed mobile robot system. The controller design is also important for checking the stability and the appropriate controller design is proportional, integral,and derivative – PID controller and Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR). The steady state error could be reduced by using such kind of PID controller.The simulation of numerical expression on mathematical modeling was conducted in MATLAB environments. The confirmation results from the simulation techniques were applied to construct the hardware design of mobile robot system for practical study. The results from simulation approaches and experimental approaches are matched in various kinds of analyses. The constructed mobile robot system was designed and analyzed in the control system design laboratory of Yangon Technological University (YTU).
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