
Faunal Remains Manipulation During the Chalcolithic in Pits 13, 16 and 54 from Monte Das Cabeceiras 2 (beja, Southern Portugal)


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The Chalcolithic time is a period widely debated in Southwestern Iberia Late Prehistory. During the last few decades, the number of contexts known has grown, especially with the discovery and publication of several ditched enclosures from Southern Portugal. To contribute to ongoing discussions, three Chalcolithic pits –13, 16, 54– from the Complex of ditched enclosures of Monte das Monte das Cabeceiras 2, in Beja, were analysed from a zooarchaeological and taphonomical perspective. The results are combined with information from the material culture, human remains and stratigraphy in order to discuss infilling sequences. Hypothesis on the possible meaning of social practices related to the management of animals are addressed. Bovine, caprine, swine, cervids, leporids and canids were identified with different abundances. A possible feasting or offerings of bovine –including auroch– and to a lesser extent red deer, wild boar and domestic species is suggested for pit 13, where a burial was also identified. Pottery and animal depositions were recorded in this pit, and the contiguous pit 54 that also had human remains. Pit 16 had a possible selection of horns and antlers from bovine, caprine and cervids, as well as a deposition of canid limb bones inside a large pot. The pits analysed can be framed in the wider Southwestern Iberian Peninsula phenomena of ditched enclosures where structured deposits including animal remains are recurrent.
including Ditched Enclosures,Chalcolithic,Southwestern Iberian Peninsula,Zooarchaeology,Taphonomy
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