Testing New Analytical Expression for Dose Response Curves Originating from the OTOR Model

Journal of luminescence(2022)

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The possibility of precisely evaluating the equivalent beta dose in stimulated luminescence dating depends on the ability to fit the constructed dose response calibration curve with appropriate analytical expressions. There are a number of such expressions which successfully fit the dose response calibration curves. In the present study we use the recently developed analytical Pagonis-Kitis-Chen equation (PKC equation) to describe the dose response curves from a set of single-grain experimental data for a sedimentary sample from the Haua Fteah Cave in Libya. The PKC equation describes in analytical form the rate of filling of the electron traps during the irradiation stage in the one trap one recombination center model (OTOR). A detailed comparison was carried out between the PKC equation and two very successful equations existing in literature. The comparison criteria were the values of: (a) the reduced chi squared, (b) figure of merit, (c) Equivalent dose and (d) the possible physical meaning of the coefficients used as the free fitting parameters during the fitting procedure. The results show that the PKC equation is at least equally successful as the other two equations in fitting the experimental data.
Thermoluminescence,Optically stimulated luminescence,Archaeological dating,Geochronology,Equivalent beta dose,Dose response curves,Dose response functions
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