
Assessment of Chief Resident Practice Readiness in a Porcine Lab: A 4-Year Experience.

Journal of surgical education(2022)

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OBJECTIVE: General surgery training prepares residents for the autonomous practice of surgery; however, assessment for readiness for independent practice presents several challenges. The simulation lab offers a safe and standardized environment for assessing the technical skills of a resident in the absence of numerous confounders of the real operating room. We describe our experience with evaluation and remediation of chief resident assessments in a porcine simulation lab. DESIGN: Operative skill assessment of surgical residents was conducted using anesthetized porcine models. Procedure's representative of basic and complex operative skill was chosen for the assessment. Faculty assessed the residents using a checklist for the completion of all critical operative steps. A "failing" score or "critical fail" on a given procedure determined mandatory remediation. For remediation, faculty provided immediate postprocedure feedback on all errors, and residents were offered supervised practice. Residents were then retested to demonstrate competency. SETTING: Large animal research center at Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN PARTICIPANTS: From 2017 to 2020, thirty-seven PGY5 residents participated in the porcine lab over a 4-year period. These general surgery residents were assessed at the beginning of their chief year. RESULTS: There were a total of 6 residents that failed 1 or more procedures. There were no failures in the cholecystectomy, 3 failures for Nissen, 4 failures for Hand sewn anastomosis, and 1 failure for stapled anastomosis. Two residents failed 2 procedures. All residents received remediation with a faculty member and were subsequently able to perform the procedure competently. CONCLUSIONS: A formal simulation-based assessment of procedural competence can identify technical performance deficiencies even at the chief resident level. Combined with a formal remediation program, such deficiencies can be addressed well in advance of residency graduation. Determining the relationship of such simulation-based assessments with operative performance is currently underway. (C) 2021 Association of Program Directors in Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
technical skill,competency assessment,surgical resident,porcine lab
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