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Three Millennia of Nanocrystals

ACS NANO(2022)

Cited 22|Views10
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The broad deployment of nanotechnology and nanomaterials in modern society is increasing day by day to the point that some have seen in this process the transition from the Silicon Age to a new Nano Age. Nanocrystals-a distinct class of nanomaterials-are forecast to play a pivotal role in the next generation of devices such as liquid crystal displays, light emitting diodes, lasers, and luminescent solar concentrators. However, it is not to be forgotten that this cutting-edge technology is rooted in empirical knowledge and craftsmanship developed over the millennia. This review aims to span the major applications in which nanocrystals were consistently employed by our forebears. Through an analysis of these examples, we show that the modern-age discoveries stem from multimillennial experience passed on from our proto-chemist ancestors to us.
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Quantum dots,nanocrystals,history,colloids,luster ceramic,stained glass,gold,lead halide perovskites
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