
Musculoskeletal Radiography is a Highly Specialised Area Within the Field of Radiography: in Response to Rosa Et Al. (2022) "we Should Not Accept Inappropriate Radiologic Views".

Radiography (London, England 1995)(2022)

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We agree with Rosa et al. (2022) that inappropriate radiographic projections may result in faulty diagnostic patient outcomes, not only in the case of missed fractures, 1 Barroso Rosa S. Felipe Peña M. Díez Izquierdo M. Grant A. We should not accept inappropriate radiologic views. Radiography. 2022; 28: 574-575 Abstract Full Text Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (4) Google Scholar but also in regard to other signs of pathology and radiographic measurements that may be impacted by incorrect positioning and centering. For example, a rotated pelvis may depict the acetabular configuration in such a way that acetabular retroversion or dysplasia may be misdiagnosed. 2 Tannast M. Fritsch S. Zheng G. Siebenrock K.A. Steppacher S.D. Which radiographic hip parameters do not have to be corrected for pelvic rotation and tilt?. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2015; 473: 1255-1266 Crossref PubMed Scopus (98) Google Scholar Similarly, as depicted in the case below (Fig. 1), variation in rotation of the forearm during radiographic acquisition can change the apparent angulation of the articular surface of the distal radius, measured as dorsi-palmar tilt. 3 Jensen J. Tromborg H.B. Rasmussen B.S.B. Gerke O. Torfing T. Precht H. et al. Dorsal tilt of the distal radius fracture changes with forearm rotation when measured on radiographs. J Hand Surgery Global Online. 2021; 3: 182-189 Abstract Full Text Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (4) Google Scholar
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