
Big Data Application Technology Framework for Land Use Monitoring

2022 7th International Conference on Big Data Analytics (ICBDA)(2022)

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Land is a finite resource that cannot be replenished. China has traditionally followed a primary national policy of "treasure and rationally use land, and effectively protect cultivated land." In the effective and thorough oversight of land use, big data plays a significant role. This paper summarizes the types of land use monitoring big data, then analyzes the big data management and application architecture, the application of big data analysis technology, and the system framework in the land use monitoring field, based on the Chinese most recent construction progress. Finally, the prospective development direction of big data for land use monitoring is examined.The "one map" of land use monitoring, the creation of a land use monitoring data warehouse, and the application of distributed database are examined in the context of big data management and application architecture; distributed parallel computing technology, remote sensing patch extraction based on deep learning technology, spatial analysis based on spatial database engine technology, and visual analysis based on BI technology are discussed in the section on the application of big data analysis technology; the system structure, overall structure, and system functions are discussed in terms of the system framework of land use monitoring. Deep mining of big data, analysis and mining of unstructured data, big data analysis and application in 3D visualization scenarios, and big data governance are the four future development paths for data analysis applications. This document provides as a guide for using big data to improve land use oversight.
Land use monitoring,big data application,technical framework,big data analysis technology,development direction
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