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Tmem138 is Localized to the Connecting Cilium Essential for Rhodopsin Localization and Outer Segment Biogenesis.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America(2022)

Cited 11|Views31
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Significance The connecting cilium (CC) of the photoreceptor provides the only route for the trafficking of the outer segment (OS) proteins. Failure of OS protein transport causes degenerative photoreceptor diseases, including retinitis pigmentosa. We demonstrate that Tmem138, a protein linked to ciliopathy, is localized to the photoreceptor CC. Germline deletion of Tmem138 abolished OS morphogenesis, followed by rapid photoreceptor degeneration. Tmem138 interacts with rhodopsin and two additional CC compartment proteins, Ahi1 and Tmem231, likely forming a membrane complex to facilitate trafficking of rhodopsin and other OS-bound proteins across the CC. The study thus implicates a new line of regulation on the delivery of OS proteins through interactions with CC membrane complex(es) and provides insights into photoreceptor ciliopathy diseases.
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Key words
Tmem138,photoreceptor,connecting cilium,outer segment,biogenesis
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