Patient Research Interest Differences by Gender and Race/Ethnicity: A North Texas Primary Care Practice-Based Research Network (nortex) Study.

Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine(2022)

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BACKGROUND:Recruiting and increasing participation of women and racial/ethnic groups remains an ongoing struggle despite the National Institutes of Health Revitalization Act mandating the inclusion of these populations. This study examined gender and racial/ethnic differences in research interest in participating in Practice-Based Research Network studies focused on cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes, cancer, and mental health research.METHODS:A total of 1348 participants and 18 NorTex clinics from the North Texas Primary Care Registry Project (NRP) database were included in this cross-sectional study. Participants who signed up through the registry to participate in future research projects and self-reported as non-Hispanic White, Hispanic, or non-Hispanic Black were included. Research interest in heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart failure were categorized as CVD; depression and anxiety were categorized as mental health; diabetes and cancer research were coded as single item dependent variables.RESULTS:Of registry participants, 72% were female, 34.5% were Black, and 24.4% were Hispanic. Of participants, 70% (n = 942) were interested in CVD research, the leading area of interest. Mental health research (56.3%, n = 755) was the second highest area of interest, while cancer had the least interest (38.4%, n = 515). After controlling for age, smoking, and having a diagnosis of the medical condition, gender did not predict interest in CVD, diabetes, cancer, or mental health research. However, race/ethnicity significantly predicted interest in diabetes and cancer research.CONCLUSION:Results indicate there are racial/ethnic differences in interest in specific research topics among our registry participants. This information may be helpful to develop successful recruitment strategies.
Cancer,Cardiovascular Diseases,Cross-Sectional Studies,Diabetes Mellitus,Ethnicity,Mental Health,Practice-Based Health Texas
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