Measurements of Strong-Interaction Effects in Kaonic-Helium Isotopes at Sub-eV Precision with X-Ray Microcalorimeters

T Hashimoto,S Aikawa,T Akaishi,H Asano,M Bazzi,D A Bennett, M Berger,D Bosnar,A D Butt,C Curceanu,W B Doriese,M S Durkin,Y Ezoe,J W Fowler,H Fujioka,J D Gard, C Guaraldo,F P Gustafsson, C Han, R Hayakawa,R S Hayano,T Hayashi,J P Hays-Wehle,G C Hilton,T Hiraiwa, M Hiromoto,Y Ichinohe, M Iio, Y Iizawa,M Iliescu,S Ishimoto, Y Ishisaki,K Itahashi,M Iwasaki,Y Ma,T Murakami, R Nagatomi, T Nishi,H Noda,H Noumi, K Nunomura,G C O'Neil, T Ohashi, H Ohnishi,S Okada,H Outa,K Piscicchia, C D Reintsema,Y Sada,F Sakuma, M Sato,D R Schmidt,A Scordo, M Sekimoto,H Shi,K Shirotori, D Sirghi, F Sirghi, K Suzuki,D S Swetz,A Takamine,K Tanida,H Tatsuno, C Trippl,J Uhlig,J N Ullom,S Yamada,T Yamaga, T Yamazaki,J Zmeskal


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We have measured the 3d -> 2p transition x rays of kaonic He-3 and He-4 atoms using superconducting transition-edge-sensor microcalorimeters with an energy resolution better than 6 eV (FWH:M). We determined the energies to be 6224.5 +/- 0.4(stat) +/- 0.2(syst) eV and 6463.7 +/- 0.3(stat) +/- 0.1 (syst) eV, and widths to be 2.5 +/- 1.0(stat) +/- 0.4(syst) eV and 1.0 +/- 0.6(stat) +/- 0.3(stat) eV, for kaonic He-3 and He-4, respectively. These values are nearly 10 times more precise than in previous measurements. Our results exclude the large strong-interaction shifts and widths that are suggested by a coupled-channel approach and agree with calculations based on optical-potential models.
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