Nonprompt Direct-Photon Production in Au+Au Collisions at Snn=200 GeV
Physical review C(2024)
Debrecen Univ | Georgia State Univ | Univ Colorado | Univ Michigan | SUNY Stony Brook | RIKEN Nishina Ctr Accelerator Based Sci | Howard Univ | Iowa State Univ | Kyoto Univ | Brookhaven Natl Lab | IHEP Protvino | Univ Massachusetts | Univ Calif Riverside | CUNY | St Petersburg State Polytech Univ | Vanderbilt Univ | Natl Res Ctr Kurchatov Inst | New Mexico State Univ | Los Alamos Natl Lab | Columbia Univ | Univ Illinois | Jeonbuk Natl Univ | Univ Tsukuba | Weizmann Inst Sci | Eotvos Lorand Univ | MATE | Ohio Univ | Univ New Mexico | Abilene Christian Univ | Univ Maryland | Yonsei Univ | Muhlenberg Coll | Charles Univ Prague | Florida State Univ | Czech Tech Univ | Banaras Hindu Univ | Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab | Augustana Univ | Univ Tokyo | Nara Womens Univ | Ewha Womans Univ | Texas Southern Univ | Japan Atom Energy Agcy | Hiroshima Univ | Korea Univ | Petersburg Nucl Phys Inst | Univ Paris Saclay | Helsinki Inst Phys | Seoul Natl Univ | Rikkyo Univ | Pusan Natl Univ | China Inst Atom Energy | Univ Zagreb | Bhabha Atom Res Ctr | Univ Tennessee | Florida A&M Univ | Lund Univ | High Energy Accelerator Res Org | Russian Acad Sci | Mississippi State Univ | Oak Ridge Natl Lab | Natl Res Nucl Univ | Hungarian Acad Sci
- Pretraining has recently greatly promoted the development of natural language processing (NLP)
- We show that M6 outperforms the baselines in multimodal downstream tasks, and the large M6 with 10 parameters can reach a better performance
- We propose a method called M6 that is able to process information of multiple modalities and perform both single-modal and cross-modal understanding and generation
- The model is scaled to large model with 10 billion parameters with sophisticated deployment, and the 10 -parameter M6-large is the largest pretrained model in Chinese
- Experimental results show that our proposed M6 outperforms the baseline in a number of downstream tasks concerning both single modality and multiple modalities We will continue the pretraining of extremely large models by increasing data to explore the limit of its performance

Dielectron production in central Pb$-$Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV