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Nonprompt Direct-Photon Production in Au+Au Collisions at Snn=200 GeV

Physical review C(2024)

Debrecen Univ | Georgia State Univ | Univ Colorado | Univ Michigan | SUNY Stony Brook | RIKEN Nishina Ctr Accelerator Based Sci | Howard Univ | Iowa State Univ | Kyoto Univ | Brookhaven Natl Lab | IHEP Protvino | Univ Massachusetts | Univ Calif Riverside | CUNY | St Petersburg State Polytech Univ | Vanderbilt Univ | Natl Res Ctr Kurchatov Inst | New Mexico State Univ | Los Alamos Natl Lab | Columbia Univ | Univ Illinois | Jeonbuk Natl Univ | Univ Tsukuba | Weizmann Inst Sci | Eotvos Lorand Univ | MATE | Ohio Univ | Univ New Mexico | Abilene Christian Univ | Univ Maryland | Yonsei Univ | Muhlenberg Coll | Charles Univ Prague | Florida State Univ | Czech Tech Univ | Banaras Hindu Univ | Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab | Augustana Univ | Univ Tokyo | Nara Womens Univ | Ewha Womans Univ | Texas Southern Univ | Japan Atom Energy Agcy | Hiroshima Univ | Korea Univ | Petersburg Nucl Phys Inst | Univ Paris Saclay | Helsinki Inst Phys | Seoul Natl Univ | Rikkyo Univ | Pusan Natl Univ | China Inst Atom Energy | Univ Zagreb | Bhabha Atom Res Ctr | Univ Tennessee | Florida A&M Univ | Lund Univ | High Energy Accelerator Res Org | Russian Acad Sci | Mississippi State Univ | Oak Ridge Natl Lab | Natl Res Nucl Univ | Hungarian Acad Sci

Cited 3|Views100
The measurement of the direct-photon spectrum from Au+Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV is presented by the PHENIX Collaboration using the external-photon-conversion technique for 0%-93% central collisions in a transverse-momentum (p(T)) range of 0.8-10 GeV/c. An excess of direct photons, above prompt-photon production from hard-scattering processes, is observed for p(T) < 6 GeV/c. Nonprompt direct photons are measured by subtracting the prompt component, which is estimated as Ncoll-scaled direct photons from p + p collisions at 200 GeV, from the direct-photon spectrum. Results are obtained for 0.8 < p(T) < 6.0 GeV/c and suggest that the spectrum has an increasing inverse slope from approximate to 0.2 to 0.4 GeV/c with increasing p(T), which indicates a possible sensitivity of the measurement to photons from earlier stages of the evolution of the collision. In addition, like the direct-photon production, the p(T) -integrated nonprompt direct-photon yields also follow a power-law scaling behavior as a function of collision-system size. The exponent, a, for the nonprompt component is found to be consistent with 1.1 with no apparent p(T) dependence.
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方法】:研究采用外部光子转换技术,对Au+Au碰撞在√sNN=200 GeV下的0%-93%中心碰撞区域进行直接光子谱的测量,并通过扣除prompt光子成分来测量非prompt直接光子。

实验】:实验在PHENIX实验设施中进行,使用的数据集为Au+Au碰撞数据,测量了0.8 < pT < 6.0 GeV/c范围内的非prompt直接光子产额,结果显示该产额随pT增加而呈现增加的逆斜率,并遵循幂律标度行为。