Adversarial Knowledge Distillation Based Biomedical Factoid Question Answering

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics(2023)

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Biomedical factoid question answering is an essential application for biomedical information sharing. Recently, neural network based approaches have shown remarkable performance for this task. However, due to the scarcity of annotated data which requires intensive knowledge of expertise, training a robust model on limited-scale biomedical datasets remains a challenge. Previous works solve this problem by introducing useful knowledge. It is found that the interaction between question and answer (QA-interaction) is also a kind of knowledge which could help extract answer accurately. This research develops a knowledge distillation framework for biomedical factoid question answering, in which a teacher model as the knowledge source of QA-interaction is designed to enhance the student model. In addition, to further alleviate the problem of limited-scale dataset, a novel adversarial knowledge distillation technique is proposed to robustly distill the knowledge from teacher model to student model by constructing perturbed examples as additional training data. By forcing the student model to mimic the predicted distributions of teacher model on both original examples and perturbed examples, the knowledge of QA-interaction can be learned by student model. We evaluate the proposed framework on the widely used BioASQ datasets, and experimental results have shown the proposed method’s promising potential.
Biomedical question answering,factoid question answering,knowledge distillation,adversarial training,BioBERT
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