
A Population Based Caregivers Profile and Training Needs Assessment in Oklahoma.

The Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association(2018)

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Background and Objectives:Studies indicate an expected population growth of almost fifty percent in Oklahomans aged 65 and older by 2030. According to the United Health Foundation, Oklahoma ranked 48th in overall senior health in 2017.Research Design and Methods:The Oklahoma Healthy Aging Initiative administered a Consumer Needs Assessment Survey by mail to a stratified random sample of the 475,518 registered voters aged 65 and older. The survey was anonymous and stratified by region. The survey contained six sections: introduction, health and health promotion, activities/recreation, information and assistance, caregiving and "about you."Results:Nearly one in three (32%) of respondents indicated that they directly or indirectly provide care to another, with another 9% responding they maybe provide care, and the remaining 59% responding no. Nearly 10% of people who say they are not caregivers reported that they participate at least one day a week in caring for a sick or invalid spouse, family member, or friend living with them, indicating current estimates of the number of caregivers is low.Discussion and Implications:Those who report they are or are maybe caregivers tend to be more interested in community events and more interested in caregiver respite. In addition, maybe caregivers appear to be more interested in health improvement topics and classes, such as health and wellness, mental health, chronic disease, and computers when compared to both caregivers and non-caregivers. Our survey results indicate a need for caregivers to receive respite services as well as training courses in Oklahoma communities.
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