Differential Effects of Koisio Technology-Modulated Solutions on the Growth of Lung Fibroblast Cell Cultures and Lung Cancer Cell Cultures

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)(2022)

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Cell growth is a crucial biological property of cells, which plays key roles in several major biological processes including organ development, tissue repair and cancer development. It is of both scientific and medical significance to discover new strategies to modulate cell growth. Koisio technology is a novel technology that modulates the properties of water solely by physical approaches without additions of any external substances. In our current study we obtained the following findings regarding the effects of Koisio technology-modulated solutions on cell growth: First, compared with the lung fibroblast (L929) cell cultures cultured in normal media, the L929 cells cultured in Koisio technology-modulated media grew at approximately 20% higher speed; second, compared with the lung cancer cell cultures (LLC cells) cultured in normal media, the LLC cells cultured in Koisio technology-modulated media grew at approximately 9% lower speed; and third, compared with the telomere lengths of the L929 cells cultured in normal media, the L929 cells cultured in Koisio technology-modulated media had approximately 14% longer telomere length. Collectively, our study has provided the first evidence indicating that Koisio technology-modulated solutions affect differentially the growth of lung fibroblast cell cultures and that of lung cancer cell cultures. The capacity of the Koisio technology-modulated solutions to promote the growth of lung fibroblast cell cultures may result at least partially from its capacity to protect the telomere length.### Competing Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest.
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Metabolism Studies
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